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IFES 2nd Annual Charity Dodgeball Tourney
12:30 PM12:30

IFES 2nd Annual Charity Dodgeball Tourney

  • Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come Join the Indianapolis Metropolitan Firefighters Emerald Society in our second annual Charity Dodgeball Tournament!

$100.00 registration fee per team

20 teams max, registrations will go quickly Register Early!

6 v 6 matches, Best 2 out of 3 matches per game . Random draw no seeding. All teams MUST have one female at the start of all matches. 15 minute max time limit on individual games.

No outside food and drink will be allowed on the premises, Adult beverages and food will be available on site.

Winning team gets registration fee of $100 back.

Prize for best dressed team - team uniforms encouraged

Other fun activities on site.

Music provided by Josh Ramirez

Resister online at in our Merchandise section! A liability waiver, rules and a registration roster will be made available on our website shortly, and must be signed by all participants.

Team Captains please report to Holy Name by 11:30 to sign in. Games begin at 12:30.

Contact Bob Finley 317-626-1568, or Joe Gallagher 317-410-3360.

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