The Indianapolis Firefighter's Emerald Society Division of Firemanship presents:
Aaron Fields and The Nozzle Forward
The one thing that every fire department in the country has is fire hose. The one event that happens on every single fire is a hose-line gets pulled and water gets flowed. The Nozzle Forward is a class for engine company crews. It is not a collection of technique; it is an adaptable system of hose line management and fire attack. It is focused around fighting fire, interior offensive firefighting, aggressive firefighting, for which we will never apologize. Aggressive firefighting is not the problem, it is the solution.
The class answers the “whys,” not just the “what’s,” and quickly creates a system that can be adapted to fit any engine company from the urban to the rural.
The goal of the “The Nozzle Forward” is to help craft more efficient Engine Companies by increasing the individuals’ competency with their tools and expanding on the conceptual aspects of the fire environment.
The course will integrate the three major components of engine company work; fire behavior, hose management, and fire attack.
The class is 22 hours with the morning of day one being a lecture. A $5 lunch will be provided both days with all proceeds going to Emerald Society charities. Structural PPE required.
Contact with any questions.